August Newsletter: Windows 10 Will You Get It?

windows-10By the time you read this, Windows 10 will have formally launched.

And remember, until July 28 of next year, it’s available free to non-pirated versions of Windows 7 or 8 devices.

But do you want it? Will you love it? How do you get it? When?

IT departments will have one view, which is sure to be a “wait until the dust settles” mental, and until they feel stability is a known.

Consumers, however, will likely be intrigued by mostly positive reviews thus far, and a pretty heavy nudge by Microsoft with it’s “free for all, almost” approach. The new, leaner Edge browser and Cortana, your personal assistant, are among intriguing inclusions. And, if you’re in the market for a PC, it will come preloaded for most. You can check out online reviews below!

More controversial was a Microsoft decision to make updates mandatory, especially when a recent video driver crashed systems throughout the preview community. To counter the hue and cry, Microsoft has issued package KB3073930, a download which allows you to hide or block Windows and driver updates – last reviewed on July 28. According to ZDnet the package is labeled for use with the Windows 10 Insider Preview, but based on its performance on the final (10240) preview build, ZDNet felt it should work with the final release beginning July 29.

Overall, is the feeling that Microsoft has finally gotten it right, or very nearly so.

You can read more at:

ZDNet (Numerous topics on everything Windows)

TechRadar (Price, News, Features)

Engadget (Review)

Microsoft (All the details they want you to know!)

Two Critical Vulnerabilities Noted
For Windows, Android

Emergency Patch:

ms windowsMicrosoft has rushed out an emergency update for a critical windows vulnerability that would permit a takeover of your entire system. So, if you don’t engage in automatic Windows updates, take heed.

From PC World To verify if your PC has the critical update on Windows 8.1 (Windows Vista and 7 users will have a similar process), open the Control Panel, search for “Windows Update”, and then choose View update history. Towards the top of the list, you should see a security update with the number KB3079904.

If you don’t see it and want to install this update right away, run Windows Update manually—a restart will be required.

stagefrightAndroid: Nearly one billion phones are at risk with a newly discovered texting flaw.

Called “Stagefright,” NPR says here’s how the attack would work: The bad guy creates a short video, hides the malware inside it and texts it to your number. The bad news is you don’t even need to open it before it begins processing. Once it’s activated the attacker can take complete control of your phone.

Important links with additional info and potential fixes are listed below, and Google has patches and has notified the major carriers and manufacturers. But the process is likely to be slow and uneven.

Whether it gets put into people’s phones is not in Google’s hands.The NPR article notes: “In this case Google is not the actual one to blame,” says Collin Mulliner, a senior research scientist at Northeastern University. It’s ultimately the manufacturer of your phone, in combination possibly with your carrier.”

What To Do Now!

Probably the most immediate thing you should do is disable automatic downloading in your messenger app. If your app is older and doesn’t have this feature, it may be time to get a new app!

More at NPR, Greenbot, Twilio

Bits & Bytes

Cortana Speaks

Cortana Gets Sassy

Lenovo PC Stick: Plug Into Any TV or Monitor And Have a Windows PC

Personal Seismic Gadget Warns You Before The Big One Hits

Google Shows You Everywhere You’ve Been

Amazon’s New Dash Button Ordering

10 Of The Best Gadgets So Far This Year

October 2014 News & Tips

Windows 7: October 31
Cut-Off Date

Win 7 LogoAs of October 31, 2014, Microsoft will no longer supply PC partners and system builders with copies of Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium and/or Ultimate to preinstall on new PCs.

Both consumer and business users may have concerns over the lifecycle cutoff date posted at Microsoft. Business users in particular have not embraced Windows 8 or iterations thereof for numerous reasons – all well publicized.

According to ZDNet’s overview, this means that OEM’s may continue to sell existing stocks of Windows 7, but may not replenish their supply. The deadline, however, does not apply to PCs preinstalled with Windows 7 Professional.

Microsoft will give a one-year warning before it demands that OEMs stop selling PCs with Windows 7 Professional. Under this rule, Microsoft will allow computer makers such as Lenovo, HP and Dell to continue selling PCs with Windows 7 Professional until at least February 2015. You can read more at ZDNet or at Microsoft.

iPhone 6 vs Galaxy Note 3iPhone 6 Plus vs. Samsung Galaxy Note 3?

So what’s it going to be? An iPhone 6 Plus or the Samsung Galaxy Note 3? For diehard Apple lovers, there’s probably no choice to be made.

But wait! Is the Galaxy a worthy competitor? Ah, perhaps.CNET’s Tim Stevens took the plunge. We won’t spoil it. It’s a quick day-to-day comparison, and you can find it here. If you simply want to compare specs, here’s a side-by-side.

ShellShock:  Millions of Computers at Risk

ShellShockYou’ve heard about HeartBleed. Now there’s ShellShock. And it’s a biggie! Shellshock is the name given to a pair of vulnerabilities in Bash, a shell program distributed on Linux, UNIX, OS X systems, and some Windows installations.

As the default shell for millions of systems the vulnerability means that an attacker could run commands on any machine using it with the potential to wreak havoc. According to Mashable, Shellshock has the potential to affect anyone visiting a website hosted on a vulnerable server. If the server has been compromised via Shellshock, it could deliver other malware. And unlike HeartBleed, ShellShock is easy to hack and code.

There have been numerous patches issued quickly. Bottom line? If you have at-risk servers, patch now! As a consumer, beware (See Trend Micro). You can read more as follows:
ZDNet, ShellShocker.Net, RedHat, Mashable

A Bendable Phablet
For Your Arm?

portal1Really? Yep, the “Portal” by Arubixs is being crowdfunded as a Smartphone you can wear. Part of you says wow, something I can actually use. It has a bendable screen! It’s waterproof. Shatterproof. Flexible.

So what’s not to love? Well, er, we guess it’s that it sort looks of like a medical device you wear on your arm, or some sort of weird digital cast that coaxes your broken wrist to the perfection it once was. At six inches, it’s a bit weighty, perhaps, and if you are a GQ man, can you really wear all that portal2coolness with one sleeve unbuttoned and dangling to accommodate your “Portal”?
But, seriously, maybe it’s an idea worth having. The specs are nothing to sneeze at, and the overall concept (albeit, one a bit more compact, perhaps) is something we’ve been hoping for. Check it out for yourself. The Arubixs website is here and the promotional video here.

NCDevCon 2014NCDevCon.  It’s A Wrap.

Our developers are back from the conference and looking forward to next year! The folks at DevCon have posted many of the slide and video presentations. So if you missed an important session check out the links at NCDevCon.

SiteVision’s Lead Technical Architect, Daria Norris, was a presenter, and her sessions (and others) may be found as follows:
Daria Norris – Better Living Through Version Control
Daria Norris – Simplify Your Workload But Not Your Delivery
All Currently Posted
Simplify Your Workload
Better Living Through Version Control

SiteVision April News & Tips, 2014

SiteVision Email Upgrade Coming Soon!

Icewarp-LoginIn the next few weeks we’ll be upgrading your email account with an enhanced interface and features. The upgrade will be done after hours, so you should not be affected during your standard business day. Many enhanced visual, usability and security features will be included in the upgrade for administrators and users, alike!  Here’s a brief overview.

For Administrators

Beneath the updated user interface, you’ll find a highly integrated solution, including dual Anti-Spam & Anti-IceWarp Preview PaneVirus protection and a unified WebClient, WebAdministration interface, full mobile device synchronization and much more. Administrators have highly granular control of user rights including Read, Write, Modify and Delete and setting user limits.

Increased Security: 20+ anti-spam technologies help ensure high accuracy for increased security. Through sophisticated behavior analysis, artificial intelligence & auto-learning – spam protection adapts to ­unique messaging behavior. With no management required, the longer you use IceWarp Anti-Spam, the more accurate it will become. The proprietary dual system Spam Protection & Virus Protection is fully integrated & delivers protection from threats, while intrusion prevention stops malicious or unwanted behavior in real-time.

IW_11_MyDetailsFor Users:

As noted for Administrators, sophisticated security technologies protect you at the server level while a new user-friendly interface beckons!
New Modern Design: A stunning new visual and functional concept can be found inside and out. The redesign is inspired by a modern visual language with flat icons, soft colors, larger type and simplified layout.
Hi-Resolution Graphics: Graphics elements are able to uniquely adjust in size to various pixel densities of modern displays so that the UI is always looking ultra sharp, independent of screen resolution.
Touch Screen Friendly: Dedicated radiator buttons allow you to “right-click” while using touch devices, such as tablets and hybrid notebooks.
Updated Mobile Interface: We didn’t forget about smartphones either. The WebClient interface for mobile browsers sports new, modern visuals.

Windows XP.  Going.  Going. Gone!

winxpAccording to Microsoft, XP support for Enterprise customers is going away on April 8th, 2014.  The same goes for Office 2003.  Since nearly a third of the planet’s users still use XP, according to ZD net, it’s a bigger deal than one might think.  You can read more at Microsoft and ZDNet who has positive vibes about the offering


gmaillogoGoogle Beefs Up NSA Email Security

Google is now using a secure https connection from your computer onward in its journey to wherever – this in response, of course, to leaks about NSA snooping.  The fix only works with Gmail users, and not with Microsoft or Yahoo, as they haven’t yet instituted the same security measures.  Both claim to be “working” on it.  You can read more at CNN, and TechCrunch


Microsoft Announces Office for iPad.  But Will It Matter?

Office for iPad The new offering attempts to take a cue from Apple’s  mantra of beautiful simplicity, but does it work?  According to CNN it’s an  interesting, attractive offering, but whether it will replace more  familiar productivity apps is questionable.  Office is now available in the  iTunes App Store for free – but only for reading documents. If you want to  create and edit content you’ll have to pony up an Office 365 subscription,  starting at $70 a year. You can read more at CNN and Engadget and ZDNet

UPDATES:  Office for iPad Tops Apps Charts.  Free on IPhones and AndroidWhat Does MacWorld Think?


February 2014 News & Tip

Securing Your Content Management Website

CMS GreenImportant Tips & A SiteVision Option

Websites are generally built to display information in the form of content, and in the last decade managing that content has become much easier due to the widespread use of a Content Management System often abbreviated as “CMS”.
The most popular CMS by far is WordPress with an impressive 60.1% of the CMS market share. With widespread popularity comes vulnerability, and many WordPress  sites are susceptible to attack due to running outdated, unsupported versions of the WordPress software. It’s also worth noting the 50 most downloaded plugins for WordPress in 2013 were also vulnerable to attacks such as SQL injections and Cross-site scripting (XSS).
These issues are not unique to WordPress.  All CMSs are susceptible to security risks, and it’s equally important to maintain updates no matter what your platform.  We’ve prepared an article for you about this important topic.  Read More Here.

When Something Good Gets Better, We Call It Great.

Red HatRed Hat And CentOS Join Forces

We’re happy to say that is the case with the announcement of Red Hat adopting The CentOS Project. Here at SiteVision, CentOS is our Linux distribution of choice, and we’ve relied on its stability and security to provide the excellent hosting solutions you’ve become accustomed to. Now with CentOS having access to all of resources Red Hat has to offer, we can anticipate an Operating System that offers unparalleled results.

So who benefits from this added value?  You, our customers, and we’re happy to say that’s just great! Read more at Red Hat. 


Apple LogoTwo Birthdays Worth Celebrating

30 Years ago Steve Jobs introduced the Macintosh 128K to the Chariots of Fire theme song.  The computing world has never been quite the same since.  And now Time has published that groundbreaking video.  Check out Steve’s blazer.


TED logo30 Years ago TED was formed – an innovative nonprofit  think tank devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading in the worlds of Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED)  –  Apple included.  Today, TED conferences bring together the world’s most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives, which TED then publishes for free, everywhere.


Microsoft’s SkyDrive Becomes OneDrive

One Drive LogoAfter losing a trademark battle, Microsoft is relaunching its cloud drive from SkyDrive to OneDrive. For any anxious users, everything is the same except for the name, according to Microsoft.  They do, however, promise more at a preview page here, where you can sign up for the news when it arrives.


svsn003The Internet Of Things Can Be A Very Scary Place!

When your embedded software in a new PC (or other computing device) is crawling with  vulnerabilities before you ever boot it up, it’s time to sit up and take notice.

So says Wired online in a thought-provoking article about embedded  software and operating systems that – when added to the Internet of things –  might just present a future security disaster.


SiteVision News & Tips November 2013



Win 8.1 Arrives – Boot To Desktop and Sync.

It’s kind of ironic that Microsoft managed to annoy nearly everyone with Win 8, and has now spent the past year compensating for the havoc it wreaked. This is not to say there aren’t some real improvements in 8.1. Most reviewers feel it’s a positive upgrade (free) that helps correct a confusing interface and adds some new features.

For many however, the return of the start button reigns supreme. More importantly, perhaps, is the ability to boot to desktop with a simple point and click.




Here’s how:

Other improvements include a baked-in Sky Drive, faster shutdown, IE 11, a more unified smart search with Bing, and the ability to resize app tiles, to name but a few.

Will this be enough to convince small business and consumers to abandon earlier versions of Windows? Time will tell, but Microsoft has some substantial credibility issues to overcome.

By the way, for IT pros Zdnet has a free ebook written by Ed Bott: Introducing Windows 8.1 for IT Professionals. More on Win 8.1 can be found at Information Week and Technology Guide[divider]

PHP.Net Confirms Malicious Malware Attack:

php logoThe security breach was confirmed last week after Google’s “Safe Browsing” service blacklisted the site. The PHP group initially thought the warning was a false positive, but a more thorough investigation shows malicious JavaScript code was injected into one of the site’s files. That coded executed exploits from a third party website that, if successful installed a piece of malware on visitors’ computers.

According to PHP, two servers were compromised and all services on those computers have been migrated off. PHP will reset user passwords, has revoked their old SSL certificate and is in process of getting a new certificate. More at PHP.Net, PC World


3D Printers Hot Ticket Item:

3d-printed-headphonesWhile some may think of it as child’s play, 3D printing may be the beginning of a new paradigm for manufacturing, prototyping, computing and science. For example, NASA will be getting into the act by sending a 3D printer with its astronauts to manufacture (rather than haul) some of the tools they need. The pretty cool headphones pictured here at Wired were designed by Teague Labs’ John Mabry as a project.

According to Gartner, consumer and enterprise 3D printer shipments are growing at 95.4% and revenue at 81.9% from 2012 through 2017. Gartner predicts the 3D printer market will grow from $288 million to more than $5.7 billion by 2017. More at Techcrunch and Elite Daily


Quick Takes

LightbeamMozilla releases Lightbeam an application that lets you know who is watching you online. When you activate Lightbeam and visit a website, this add-on creates a real time visualization of all the third parties that are active on that page. See more at Zdnet

Guardly_beacon-screenDoes walking alone at night give you the creeps? If you have a Smartphone, several new personal safety apps act as your guardian. Although most are subscription based, the small costs could be a real life-saver. One example for college students: Guardly Safe Campus. Others from TechHive are here.



Apple’s OS X Mavericks 10.9.

The good news: it’s free and it further refines the OS. The other news: there’s nothing particularly stellar or innovative. See more at Techcrunch, Engadget, Cnet


January News & Tips: Securing Your Android Device & More

Happy New Year!

As we welcome the advent of 2013, each of us here at SiteVision wishes you and yours a joyful, rewarding and prosperous year!  If you have suggestions about how we can improve our existing services to you, add new services, or improve our help and support,  we welcome your input!  You can contact us anytime

Microsoft Warns of Zero-Day Vulnerability

Microsoft has confirmed that a zero-day vulnerability affecting older versions of Internet Explorer could allow attackers to gain control of Windows-based computers to host malicious Web sites. The vulnerability affects older browsers through IE 8 and can be mitigated.  For more information click here


How to Secure Your Android Device

Get a new Android device for Xmas?  As Android proliferates, it’s increasingly important to secure your device against Malware and uninvited snooping.  Here are some important tips from TechHive.  Read the entire, very informative article, as well as a review of the top five free security apps, here:


January Maintenance Schedule

Tuesday, January 15th @ 5pm
Please contact us if you experience any problems


Welcome New Hosting Clients!

College Solutions:

Colonial Behavioral Health:

Parker Investigations:  (Under Construction)

Rotary Club of Salem:

Rotary Club of Salem:

Shores Collision:

Windows 8 Consumer Preview: Pats and Pans

Several reviewers have grabbed the new Consumer Preview for Windows 8, loaded it up, and took a look.  Here’s the gist of it so far!

What’s Good?

The Not So Good, Yet:

Reviewers Say: 

Here’s the link to a one minute Microsoft video Preview, but note it’s a promotional piece. Other links found there go into a little more detail:

Why SiteVision?

We’re your advocate. SiteVision has been providing web development and hosting services to government agencies and non-profit organizations for over 20 years. We understand how overwhelming it can be to seek out a reliable solution for you website, custom application, and hosting needs.

At SiteVision we are passionate about creating solutions for customers that make their life better. We excel at understanding your business process and developing an application that is easy to learn and operate. We will always be fair, knowledgeable, honest, and professional.