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August News & Tips: iPhone Apps Snatching Data,Win8, Yahoo Hack & More
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”4221″ align=”left” size=”Small 150 width” quality=”85″] Is Your iPhone Snatching Your Data?
According to WebPro news, about 20% of your iPhone apps are accessing your personal data without ever asking, and of 65,000 apps 41% can track your location data without your consent. According to Apple, nothing will change until iOS 6 is released. WebProNews
Windows 8 – IT Professionals Not Feeling the Love?
According to a Gartner analyst, Windows 8 isn’t even on the IT radar. The more likely upgrade path? Enterprise will probably go straight from Windows 7 to Windows 9. Among the reasons: lackluster desktop handling, and fear of being burned by technical and performance problems. TechRepublic
Has Your Yahoo Password Been Hacked?
About 450,000 passwords have been hacked and now posted online. Is yours among them? Tech Republic says you can check at Sucuri Malware Labs. Just type in your email address and search. And, because there may be other unannounced hacks, it’s definitely time to change your passwords for, say, Gmail or other important sites you use. SiteVision earlier published, “Was Your Password Hacked Today?” (Go here) It’s definitely worth a second look. After all, is it really worth compromising your Identity, your bank account, or other financial information? Also See TechRepublic
Name: Virginia Hospital and Health Care Association Hospital Alerting and Status System (VHASS)
Type: Hosting & Development
About: The Virginia Hospital and Health Care Association’s (VHHA) Emergency Operation Center (EOC) is a pivotal tool of its Virginia-wide Hospital Alerting and Status System (VHASS). VHASS was created to enhance the distribution of critical emergency management information needed by Virginia hospitals and healthcare providers. Likewise, the system is designed to provide Virginia residents with superior interoperability of communication and response efforts during a time of crisis.
SiteVision has closely assisted in the development of the web browser based system, and has created a hosting solution that duplicates the entire application and data infrastructure at a geographically separate data center. The sites and databases are continuously synchronized and replicated to be up and running in a matter of minutes were there to be a critical outage. The VHASS browser based application allows all Virginia members to maintain and update emergency status information in real time and as required.
The system is a statewide cooperative effort that includes Virginia hospital members, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. It is a members only website.
August Maintenance
Maintenance for August will be:
Tuesday August 21st
@ 5:00pm.
If you experience any problems, please don’t hesitate to
contact us.