Website Application Vulnerability
An Increasing Threat
Recent breaches of historic proportions – think Anthem and Target, to name but a few, have confirmed that proactive web security measures are now a must for websites of all sizes and types. A primary scanning, analysis and reporting tool is that of Website Application Vulnerability Scanning. We can help.
Why Scan?
Website Application Vulnerability Scanning is designed to seek out security flaws, test systems for the occurrence of these flaws and then generate a report for appropriate remedial actions if necessary.
Among motivating factors for scanning are regulatory compliance such as HIPAA, and PCI, and/or changes to software, applications or website configurations. In the first case, compliance is required. In the latter, web changes can open up crippling security risks without your knowledge.
SiteVision’s Full Featured, Vulnerability Scanning Is Inexpensive and Thorough.
In a constant effort to improve service and security for our customers, we have instituted vulnerability scanning that is compliant, thorough and cost efficient. Our scanning protocol detects common vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection attacks, along with other industry recognized threats.
Vulnerability Scanning is used to help organizations improve their overall risk posture and security readiness, as well as to comply with mandatory regulations, including security requirements. All definitions for scans are updated on a daily basis and the latest vulnerability detections are always included in the scans.
The scanning process includes discovery, detection, verification, risk classification, impact analysis, reporting and mitigation. A comprehensive report is issued for each scan.
We offer this service for $35.00 a month, or $95.00 a quarter. You can call or contact us here to initiate monthly or quarterly billing. We also offer remediation of vulnerabilities, and can offer a statement of work at any time. Remediation pricing is available upon request. Any other questions? Just give us a call at 540.343.8322 or 866.345.8322 toll free!
The SiteVision Support Team